Website for Your Scholarship.

Built for public intellectuals, academics & writers
Canonical Repository
Every piece of your content, all available, catalogued, and archived for your audience.
Taxonomy of Topics
Categorize your content for easy organization and discovery.
Feature Your Books
Shouldn't your website have the canonical book site? Build the best micro-book site that your book and hard work deserves.
Online CV
No more outdated CVs and scholarship information. Build a living CV that reflects your scholarship and career.
Book Reviews
We ❤️ books. We provide the ability to keep track of books in a structured manner.
Public Scholarship
Our mission is to unleash public scholarship. Our platform is designed to be more than a website but a platform to share your content and scholarship.

Stunning website your scholarship deserves
With over 40 premium themes to choose from, your website will look polished and professional on any device. Public Platform helps you create a professional and stunning online presence to build and scale your platform.

Trusted by the Best
Powered by WordPress
Over 33% of the internet is powered by WordPress, from hobby blogs to the biggest news sites online. We’ve curated and custom built features that are designed to support scholars, writers and public intellectuals to build and scale their platform.
Your work matters.
Build your public platform.

Designed for collaboration.
for Journals, Departments, and Institutions.
- Issues Management
- Multiple bylines/Co-authors per Article
- Institutional Affiliation
- Authors Lists
- Book Reviews
- Podcast Networks
- Multiple Blogs for Contributors
- and more
Getting started is easy.
Your voice is important. Your voice can make a difference. Start by building your public platform.
Apply for Your Public Platform